2019年12月16日 シンポジウム

Hyper-formation of GABA and glycine co-releasing terminals in the mouse cerebellar nuclei after deprivation of GABAergic inputs from Purkinje cells.

Shiori Kobayashi, Jeongtae Kim, Yuchio Yanagawa, Noboru Suzuki, Hiromitsu Saito, Chitoshi Takayama

2019 The 3rd Ryudai-OIST Symposium

2019年12月14日 論文掲載

Hyper-formation of GABA and glycine co-releasing terminals in the mouse cerebellar nuclei after deprivation of GABAergic inputs from Purkinje cells
Shiori Kobayashi, Jeongtae Kim, Yuchio Yanagawa, Noboru Suzuki, Hiromitsu Saito, Chitoshi Takayama

論文のFigureが『Neuroscience誌 2月号』の表紙に採用されました